
This yoga class is specifically for people living with Parkinson’s. Traditional yoga practices will be adapted as required to suit all abilities and levels of mobility.

Classes will focus on expansion and moving to the edges of our bodies, grounding and balance, chest opening and spinal mobility and relaxation.

Wednesdays, 2.30-3.30pm at Belmont Community Centre, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7UQ.
£3 for Parkinson’s UK members and their carers. £6 for non members.

Classes are small- maximum 10 people- and will provide a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in which to work.

Open to all abilities and levels of mobility. For more information or to book a place call/text 07841 763604 or email

If you’re unsure if this course is appropriate for you, please feel free to call for a chat.

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